How Do You Know If Online Learning Is The Right Option?

Technology has become a powerful tool in learning, transforming education in numerous ways. It has increased access to education, information and resources. Learning opportunities are now, quite literally, right at our finger tips. 

Technology has not only increased our access to information, but it has also broadened our access to where and how we want to learn and who we choose to learn with. 

One format that has grown is online learning. It seems like at if we are looking for a class, or school, most likely we can find an online class that will teach it. But with all of this choice now on offer, how can we know if we are choosing right? How do you know if online learning is the right option? 

Invited 2 experienced educators in the online learning space to explore this question with me.

Anjilee Ferguson and Sara Busalacchi have over a decade of experience in online learning, working in the field since its inception.  They have a passion for helping students succeed which led them to co-found Mountain Point Academy, an online school for grades 6-12.  Their mission is to help provide students with a personalized approach to online learning, with 1:1 support for students to find joy in learning and citizenship.  

In This Episode

Anjilee and Sara take the time to answer my questions about online learning.

  • How do you know if online learning is the right learning option?
  • How do you find out of the online learning option aligns with your needs and values?
  • What options are available? 
  • How can we best support our kids in their online learning experience?
  • What are points to look for when choosing an online learning community? 
  • Can online learning be relationship based? 
  • What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous learning? 


Connect with Mountain Point Academy on
Instagram: @mtnpointacademy
If you aren’t sure if online learning is a good fit for you, you can schedule a FREE consultation call to talk with the Mountain Point Academy team:
If you would like to learn about other alternative programs, both in person and online, listen to these episodes~

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This episode was brought to you by Fearless Learners by Success Codes

Fearless Learners by SuccessCodes;
Where all children can learn and grow fearless with a Learning Success Coach by their side. Their certified Learning Success coaches make learning easy with their proven holistic coaching methodology which is a unique and superior alternative to tutoring and teaching in all subjects.
All of their coaches are certified teachers as well as certified Learning Success Coaches, who have left the school system to create the ‘right’ environment to provide customized and personalized learning experiences.   

*Kohila is offering a FREE 45 minute clarity coaching call to Honey! I’m Homeschooling The Kids listeners. Just go to

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