HIHTK Episode 019: Micro Schools Builder Mara Linaberger

Are you in love with what you do? Do you inspire others to live a better life? Today’s podcast guest does that in spades. And she does it by helping to build micro schools.

Meet Mara Linaberger.

Mara was one of my early guests on this podcast. I’m thrilled to have had her on the podcast again, this time to talk about her new book.

She has incredible will, drive, and passion to make this world a better place. These are always inspiring traits. And to see it in education is all the more inspiring, especially because she’s providing a unique alternative not found elsewhere.

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100 Micro Schools

Mara spent over 25 years working in the Pennsylvania public school system. But she eventually realized that her work from inside the system wasn’t best serving her students or herself. That was when she became a consultant for those struggling in learning and eventually an author.

Through this work, Mara witnessed the successful emergence of micro-schools. These schools have become Mara’s mission. She plans to create a global network of 100 micro-schools.

To help her achieve this mission, Mara wrote a new book, The Micro-School Builder’s HandbookThis book offers the steps and tools for parents to build their own micro-school.

What’s a Micro-School?

A Micro School is a small school, like the old one room schools of the past, but with a modern twist.  A micro-school have no fewer than 12 kids or no more than 150 kids. It is an intimate setting with instructors or guides and small student to teacher ratios.

Micro-schools are child-centred rather than parent-centred. The smaller the school the more intimate it can be.

Micro-school founders often begin as homeschool parents. These parents either want to do more for other kids, or they want to create a community for their own children.

Why Choose a Micro-School over Homeschool?

Micro-schools are flexible. You can decide the flavour, space, and school schedule like homeschool.

4 day school week? Road trips?
As long as you’re accomplishing your hours of learning, how you go about that is flexible.

Mara has met many parents that want to homeschool but don’t have the resources, or the confidence to do so. She has realized that micro schools present an opportunity not only for kids, but parents too. They can create a fantastic learning environment for their kids as well as a business of their own.

Micro Schools- Schools of The Future?

Micro-schools personalize learning and have small classes at a much lower price. They are starting to challenge private schools and the feelings of entitlement. There are micro schools focused on the outdoors, computer programming, the arts, service learning, business incubation…


Mara feels that micro schools are the schools of the future. They are proving to be innovative and effective. Plus they make learning fun.

The Micro School Builders Handbook

The Micro-School Builders Handbook helps make micro schools happen. The book covers the how and what.
Do you want and need a curriculum? If so she helps you find what best suits your school. What location you choose. Teachers to hire? Will you do it yourself? Legalities in your area? Location you want to secure. For profit or non profit? How will you secure funds? How to make the business plan.
There is so much flexibility and Mara says someone motivated will be able to go and do it themselves.

Learning Needs To Be Fun Again

Mara realizes that not everyone is ready for Micro-schools. There was a time that she wanted to effect change on a grand scale. Now she focuses on the small, meaningful and rich changes. She is already seeing the exponential growth. Learning needs to be fun again.


So many of us want to do something meaningful and build a lasting legacy. We “think big” but we forget that service happens on a very personal, one by one basis. We may not see the effects right away, but we are preparing the next generation of leaders.

The Super Hero Summit

Along with helping to build 100 micro schools globally, Mara has another vision for kids. In 2017 she attended The Archangel Summit in Toronto, a gathering of mission driven entrepreneurs. Mara realized kids need the same kind gathering. So she and the founder of the Personal Greatness Project are working on the Super Hero Summit. A place for “superhero” kids to explore who they are, why they are here and figure out a mission they’d like to tackle.

The Summit will be open to all kids that are looking into their personal greatness. It’s not an event, it’s a learning experience.


“What the best and wisest parent wants for their own child, that must community want for all its children.” John Dewey

Are you ready to build your micro school?

You can order the book here.

Visit Mara on Facebook or her website http://maralinaberger.com/

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