Building Literacy At Home

Building Literacy At Home

This is episode 113 and I am excited to share this Clubhouse discussion on building literacy at home. In this special episode I invited three moms that share my passion for learning in the natural world. All three of my co-hosts are former school educators and two of the three are now homeschooling parents.

Lesley Jones Sessler is a progressive educator, blogger at WatchMonkeyMama and school principal turned unschooler.

Elsa E. Jones is a professional development consultant with a specialization in birth to 5 years. She is also an early childhood equity and social justice activist, Chair and Professor of Early Childhood Education.

Demetria Giles is a school designer, education consultant and homeschooling mom to her son.

Ways We Can Build and Support Literacy At Home

Are you homeschooling or unschooling and concerned about your children learning to read? Tired of boring writing curriculum that no one in your family wants to really do? Are you looking for other ideas on how to support reading, writing and literacy in your home?

This episode will leave you empowered to support joyful learning in your home with tools and ideas from infancy to the later years.

We explore:

  • Learning to read and write- what is literacy?
  • How to offer nonstop exposure
  • Listening, Conversation, Retelling and Artistic Expression- a story doesn’t always mean what’s in a book
  • Literacy through play and building from infancy
  • Reading isn’t just the words on a page- other ways in life that we “read” and communicate
  • Access and Exposure
  • Different kinds and levels of stories
  • Higher Order Thinking Skills
  • Reasons to write
  • Digital Literacy and changes for the future

Dive a Little Deeper and Other Resources

I offer a free, welcome community for Parents and Educators on the Clubhouse App. Join my Club, Honey! I’m Homeschooling on Clubhouse and be part of our weekly discussions that are held 4 times a week. Download the app or go to my Club link~ Honey! I’m Homeschooling.

If you would like to learn more, I recommend you listen to my previous interview with Demetria Giles; From School To Homeschool. You can connect with Demetria via Instagram drosewritings

You can connect with Lesley through her blog or on Instagram.

Elsa, Lesley and Demetria can all be found on the Clubhouse app.

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