Reflections For The Homeschooling Year

As we get closer to the end of season 6, I invite you to take a moment of pause and reflection. Season 6 began as a time and place to step further into Deschooling and growing without school or the easily recognized beliefs and structure of school. We explored 

  • Deschooling and Growing Without School
  • Conscious Parenting
  • Teens and Unschooling~What that can look like
  • Minimalism
  • Defining Success
  • Resilience
  • Supporting Passions
  • Natural Learning Resources
  • Critical Thinking 
  • Preparing For Adulthood
  • And MORE

In This Episode And Season

No matter where you live in the world, I find that December is a great time to pause, check our “roadmap”, reset our personal and family compass and open our hearts to the relationships around us. 

In this episode I share a favourite short story as a way to look at what we do, the choices we make and the challenges that we face in our daily lives.

It’s called, Who’s Packing Your Parachute? It’s a true story about a retired US Army Pilot who was a prisoner of war. His story is not one of heartbreak, but of reflection, appreciation and support.

We all have people in our lives that helped us or “packed our parachutes” along the way. We do this daily as homeschooling and unschooling parents. Our children’s parachutes are not built on academics. Everyone, including the learners in our home requires mental, physical, emotional and spiritual “parachutes”. We call on all of these to help us reach safety.

I ask you to take a little time this end of season to reflect and consider your personal needs as a parent and who can possibly help support these needs. 

And I also ask that you take time to pause, reflect and appreciate. Which people in our lives have we possibly overlooked or failed to notice have been packing important parachutes for us? 


Here are a few resources and recommendations~ Podcasts, Books and other Support

Look For The Helpers~Parenting And Being Human– Podcast episode with Dr. David Irvine

Look For The Helpers~ Mothering The Mother with Amanda Curmi

Empowering Families with Yolonda Coles Jones

Have you checked out my club, Honey! I’m Homeschooling on the clubhouse app? I have a large collection of interviews and replays of specific topics and conversation on homeschooling, unschooling, learning, education, family life and parenting. For FREE. 

Still feeling overwhelmed? Receive one-on-one support through my homeschool coaching~